Monday, July 09, 2007

There Is A Bird On The Deck...

... And it's driving me absolutely nuts! It will not shut up. It's taunting the cats. All I hear is "Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!" followed my "Meow, Meow, Murrrhhhhh!" UGH! I just want some peace and quiet.

I can't close the sliding door to the deck because it's 30 degrees out and quite humid, so our south facing apartment is roasting.

I am writing here as an alternative to wringing that G-D bird's neck!

Thank you for listening. You can pat yourself on the back for helping save a bird.


Christie said...

I guess I've done my good deed for the day. :)

Maybe you could let one of the cats out to chase the bird away?

Anonymous said...

Hang in there - I so hear you on those feisty birds. We have a feisty raccoon that keeps coming back to our porch!

Anonymous said...

OMG! What is it with the birds lately - my crazy cardinal is finally gone - good luck - I put up a decal on my front window and that must have finally chased him away.

Michele said...

We've got one, too. I hear your pain. He sits in the tree and makes this wierd high pitched long drawn out tweeeeeet, over an over again, at 3am. Almost sounds electronic to me. I love birds, but this guy needs to go.

Anonymous said...

LOL. I love nature and animals.. but there are these squirrels that sometimes play outside my window, and more than once when I try to open my window later at night to get cooler fresh air, they scare the living daylights out of me LOL. I feel the sudden urge to chase them down :o