Thursday, August 18, 2005

Final Exam Update

I totally forgot, I was going to do an update on how my final exam went on Sunday. It actually went pretty well. When I got in there, I knew all of the passage identifiying questions, even though I only needed to know 4, of the 6. These questions were weird though, because usually questions like these say to only write one short paragraph, but with these questions, it said to write 2-3 well developed paragraphs. Now, when one paragraph is expected, I usually have about 3 paragraphs of stuff to say, but I think the 2-3 paragraph requirement threw me off. I still managed to get about three paragraphs for each question.

The second half of the exam consisted of two essays. Now, when they say short essays, I have no idea what they are talking about!! I just started writing, and didn't stop until I was out of paper. We were given two booklets for the entire exam, the first was used on identifying passages. In the second booklet, I wrote quite small, and still double spaced for the first few pages, but then I realized there would be no way to finish writing with only one booklet, so I switched to single spacing.

In the essay questions, I know I came up with some really good and original points. I am kind of curious how my prof will take my analysis of Mr. MacDowell in Moo, by Sally Clark, considering I said he acted more like a limp fish, than a father. (Yes, those were my exact words).

I am just awaiting the grade. I checked my grades yesterday when I got home, and my prof had posted my last two marks (for two papers: one submitted a month ago, and one submitted about three weeks ago, tsk tsk). I got 74% on the second to last one, but it was only worth 10% anyway, and I got 84% on the last one, and it was worth 20%, so that's really good.

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